What should I consider?

Things You Should Know Before You Start a PRS Account

When making your PRS contribution, you need to take into account various factors such as your age, personal and household income, risk tolerance, retirement objectives as well as the suitability of the different funds under the various schemes to meet your retirement needs. It is important to bear in mind the cost of living and inflation in setting your retirement goals as well as to think long-term and do not be overly concerned about short-term market fluctuations.

As our needs change through different stages of our lives, you should review your PRS portfolio regularly so that it matches your risk appetite and investment objectives.

Primary focus is to generate compounding and accelerating capital growth by investing in equities.
Growth & Income
Balanced requirement for compounding capital growth as well as income by investing in mixed assets i.e. equities and bonds/fixed income instruments.
Primary focus is to generate regular income stream by investing in bonds/fixed income instruments.

Under 45 years old
You may want to focus on capital growths.
Between 45 – 54 years old
You may want a balanced portfolio of capital growth and income.
55 years old and above
You may be focused on generating sustainable income.

You are able to withstand market volatility and capital losses.
You are looking at balancing market risk and returns.
You are risk averse and seek capital preservation.